Important institutions

Kontaktní informace

Bc. Marie Melicharová

City Economic Development

tel. :+420 378 035 009

BIC Pilsen, Riegrova 1, tel.: 377 235 379
BIC Pilsen – Business and Innovation Centre – is a company established by the City of Pilsen to support small and mid-sized business. It has extensive knowledge of support programmes and helps businesses take advantage of these programmes, particularly in research and development, the introduction of modern technology and innovation, and international cooperation. It offers consulting in setting up business plans and conducting feasibility studies. The centre operates a business incubator and participates in the Pilsen Science and Technology Park. Based on contracts with the European Commission, the centre is an active member of the following European business support networks: Enterprise Europe Network and EBN (European Business and Innovation Centres Network).

CzechInvest, Regional Office for the Pilsen Region, Pilsen Science and Technology Park, Building A, Teslova 3
Tel: 378 056 630, 378 056 631, 378 056 63
CzechInvest, the Investment and Business Development Agency, is a government-funded organisation under the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The agency aims to attract foreign investment, increase the competitiveness of Czech firms and develop the Czech business environment. CzechInvest also provides information about programmes which support business and industry and acts as an intermediary in helping Czech businesses gain access to EU structural funds and Czech government grants.

Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region, Riegrova 1, Tel: 377 237 679
The Regional Development Agency of the Pilsen Region is an organisation that provides specialised consulting mainly to cities, municipalities and to the Pilsen Region, and works on development projects with the public and private sectors.


Customs Authority in Pilsen, Domažlická 178, Tel: 377 381 650

Czech Statistical Office in Pilsen, Slovanská alej 36, Pilsen, Tel: 377 612 108

E CENTRUM, ČEZ and RWE (electricity utility) customer service centre, Guldenerova 17, Pilsen, Tel: 840113355

Tax Authority in Pilsen, náměstí Českých bratří 8, Tel: 377 192 111

Land Registry for Pilsen Region, Radobyčická 12, Tel: 377 162 111

Regional Court in Pilsen, Veleslavínova 40, Tel: 377 868 121

Municipality of Pilsen, nám. Republiky 1, Pilsen, Tel: 378 031 111

Supreme Audit Office, Poděbradova 2842/1, Pilsen 3, Tel. 233 045 690

Commercial Register at the Regional Court in Pilsen, Stehlíkova 3, Tel: 377 869 611

Social Security Administration for the Pilsen-City District, Americká 28, Pilsen, Tel: 377 486 111

Pilsen - City District Court, Nádražní 7, Pilsen, Tel: 377 869 111

Plzeňská teplárenská, a. s. (thermal energy utility), Doubravecká 1, Tel: 377 180 111

Employment Office in Pilsen, Kaplířova 7, Pilsen, Tel: 377 411 111

Vodárna Plzeň, a.s. (water utility), Malostranská 2, Tel: 377 413 111

Západočeská plynárenská, a.s. (natural gas utility), Edvarda Beneše 2439/70 - 2438/72, Pilsen, Tel: 377 091 111

Trade Licence Office, Tylova 36, Tel: 378 034 800


Commercial Register

Centrální adresa - Official information system on public calls for bids, auctions and other opportunities

BusinessInfo - Official portal for business and exports